Monday, March 05, 2007
Two random stories and Thanks for an AWESOME birthday bash show!

Hey-lo lover bunnies,
I am laughing right now because I just had some chinese food and here is my fortune:
"You will go shopping. Hee Hee!"
This made me think. Who's job is it to make these fortunes? Wouldn't that be a fun job? I'd put some crazy stuff in it like
"You will dance to the music of your soul this evening" or something haha
Have any of you ever received a crazy fortune like that?
You're probably not going to believe me, but I have a witness.
While I was making cupcakes for my birthday bash, the PA lottery numbers were being called. As I was baking, I said called out FOUR of the numbers a second before they were called and they were right. My mom FLIPPED OUT. I really think I'm psychic haha. Too bad I didn't buy a lottery ticket.
And this made me think. How many of us are in tune with our "sixth sense"
Do you have any stories like that? I'd love to hear about it.
Send me an email to:
By the way, my 21st birthday bash show on February 23rd was A BLAST! Thanks for completely packing the house and making me feel so loved! I adore you all! The best show of my career so far and the best birthday ever. :)